These are some videos we took of our pomeranians, to see more videos/recent videos of the puppies then visit us on YouTube @Fluffypomeranians. Enjoy! :D
Roxy getting a haircut
This is our dog roxy getting her summer haircut called "the Lion Haircut" it is very common for pomeranians.
Puppies @5weeks
They are finally five weeks old can you believe it?! It makes me so happy to watch them grow & its such a joy to raise them.
My Babies sleeping
Here is a little video i took of my pomeranians sleeping. They're just so cute when they're asleep.
Pomeranians are playing
Our poms are now starting to play. A lot more active now. Also their trying to walk, i'm so excited! i love watching them grow.
I'm ready for a nap
Here is a sweet little video of summer, sunny and june getting ready for bed. They had a nice playtime now some sleep.
Puppies out and about
The puppies are so cute. They are starting to bark and their personalities come out more and more.